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Letter Forty: Imagery

Dear Mr. Prime Minister and all those it may concern,

Hi, my name is Amelia Penney-Crocker. I’m 14 years old. I’m a writer and a climate activist. Every week since last December I’ve written you a letter about the climate crisis. Every 10 letters, I send you a poem. This is letter 40, the 4th poem. Poetry is a wonderful art form. You can use it to tell stories, communicate messages and show imagination. I usually use poetry to communicate messages, but today I’ve tried to write a poem full of imagery. 

In The Future: A Poem by Amelia Penney-Crocker

The air is thick

But not like a blanket

The ground is shaking

But not like a revelation

The sea has risen

To meet our heights

We need to stop climbing 

Just make it right

The smoke came

After the flames

And now it refuses

To go away

The water comes

The day after tomorrow

Fill the towns

Fill every burrow

Imagine laying 

In an abandoned school

Let the water flow in

Let it rule

Drown in the salt

And the plastic

Dream of a song

With lots of dynamics

The earth so dry

It doesn’t let tears in

The sky so high

No escape can be found there

The water is full

Of the greedy man’s tea

The fire is coming

Just wait and see

I hope you liked this poem and understood the image I wanted to conger for you. Remember that the climate crisis is not far away. For so, so many it’s already in their backyard. Fires, hurricanes and heatwaves are being reported at record levels all around the world. This isn’t a stand out bad year, this isn’t 2020 luck, this is just the beginning.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Amelia Penney-Crocker

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