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Fifth Letter: Australia

Dear Mr. Prime Minister, and all those it may concern,

This is your weekly letter about the Climate Crisis, and today, I’m discussing Australia. Need I say more? The situation there is hellish. Only last week 4000 people were trapped on a beach, pinned between the flames and the water. Twenty-five people have died at the time of writing and over 2000 houses have been destroyed. On top of that, over a third of one koala colony is gone and many, many more animals have died or lost their habitats. The ecosystem of Australia is forever damaged and the people of Australia who’ve experienced this trauma are too.

Canada isn’t innocent in this tragedy. No one is. We did this to the people and animals of Australia. We should be guilty and sorry. That human and animal suffering is partially our fault, and unless we don’t want to experience that suffering here in Canada, we should do something. Do something! Climate Action! 

Australia is a warning, and we need to listen. Are you listening Mr. Prime Minister? 

I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Amelia Penney-Crocker

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